So this sort of extends from one of my previous posts about "The Fourth Trimester" and freezing up meals for easy cooking. I am so into this idea for this pregnancy. I don't want to go off my paleo way of eating and feel icky just because I wasn't prepared. I want to be energized by eating good food and heal faster than I did with the other two kids..aka...taking it easy and not standing on my feet for long periods of time.
So... I have a few good freezer meal ideas for my fellow paleo preggos to cook up and freeze. Actually this is for anyone that has something approaching where it would be easier to have meals pre-cooked. I decided to start a month before the little guy is due. So that itsn't as overwhelming as it sounds; cooking meals upon meals to freeze up for later eating. I decided to just double up the last month and cook what was on the paleo plan for dinner, then double my recipe so that half is ready to freeze up. There has been many challenges in my way this month;dealing with 2 sick kids and if you know anything about Arizona...spring training is upon us; meaning visitors upon visitors to entertain. All of this while 38 weeks pregnant and deciding to have a home birth. Pretty nuts...but loving every minute of it.
Anyway, back to freezer meals. So here are some of the meals that I have so far stashed away. Some of the ideas listed are things I already have frozen in my freezer on a regular basis anyway. In addition, I made sure that I bought all the meats I wanted when they were on sale so that I also don't have to send my husband to the store for some chicken if he was willing to cook for us one night.
The first one is my "Labor Day" Bone Broth. I got this idea from the reading material handed out at my mid-wife appointment a couple times ago. I remember being SO thirsty and hungry after the labor of my first two sons. Having a broth made with the bones, vegetables, and meat will replenish you in so many positive ways. I made it for dinner one night, and everyone loved it, so we froze it up ready for the big day. Here are some other good paleo freeze up ideas:
Freezer List:
Labor Day Bone Broth Soup
Paleo Spaghetti Sauce with Meatballs
Paleo Spaghetti Sauce with Italian Sausage Links
Paleo Chicken Cacciatore
Paleo Tomato Soup
Paleo Butternut Squash Soup
Frozen Zuchini Noodles (still raw, just sliced the way Meatloaves Paleo like them for the sauces)
Muffin Cup Meatloaves
Egg, Veggie & Ham "muffins" (baked in muffin cups and frozen).
Paleo Waffles (This is a staple in our house anyway).
Paleo Pancakes
Frozen berries for easy smoothies
Paleo Muffins (Blueberry and Zuchini are our favorite)
Pre-Sliced Peppers and onions
So this is the initial list. Check out our recipe blog for some of these recipes and more.
One last tip that I have taken advantage of. Bake anything and everything you can in muffin pans. Such an awesome idea for individual servings and easy re-heating. That is what I did with my mini egg & ham muffins and mini meatloaves (Picture on the right). Love it.
I'll update you throughout the next couple weeks to add to the list as I add it to my freezer. Happy Freezing Everyone!